Художник Евгений Рындин акварель акварелист 

Текст этого приглашения занимает семь страниц текста с подробным изложением условий конкурса. Желающие могут ознакомиться с полным текстом.Мой E-mail легко найти в интернете.

... и так далее.

...и так далее.

Charles Saatchi - владелец самой крупной в мире виртуальной галереи, ярый пропагандист современного авангардного искусства. Вероятно есть определенный смысл в его письме, как признании объективности мира.

. Application. Book of . Contemporary Art.

. Дата: 10.08.09 21:52
. От кого: director@atcultura.com.ar <director@atcultura.com.ar>

. Кому: lo-bzyk@yandex.ru
. Тема: Application. Book of Contemporary Art.

. C&#243;rdoba, Argentine
. August of 2009.
. Dear artist Evgeni Ryndin
. You are an artist chosen to be part of the book &#147;La Est&#233;tica y el Arte
contempor&#225;neo II&#148; (Aesthetics and Contemporary Art II). I attach the
conditions and participation file. Moreover, to participate in the book
includes the exposing of two pictures and your thoughts about Art in a full
page, while the work art review by a critic will appear in another in both
English-Spanish, and at the back will be a listing of the artists together
with the corresponding resumes.
In case of being under the patronage of an art-gallery or company, you must
write at the foot of each image &#147; with the compliments of&#133;&#148; together with
the address and logo, which will appear in a listing of the companies
supporting Art placed at the back and in the flap of the book.
Best regards,
Dipl. Ricardo Lescano Grosso
ATcultura - Director


1st Annual World Canvas Awards Now Open

The World''s Leading Galleries Nominate New Artists

Dear Ryndin,

The 1st Annual World Canvas Awards CALL FOR ENTRIES is now open. With 31 categories it''s your opportunity to be recognized as "Artist of the Year" by the biggest names in the industry.

Get Exposure

Don''t miss the chance to put your work in front of the world''s most prestigious galleries, curators, publishers and art dealers at this first-of-its-kind international art show.




We are delighted to welcome the following esteemed guests to the Jury:

Jennifer McCormick, Founder - London

Jen Murby, Head of Development - London

Chris Garlick, Director - London

Zavier Ellis, Director - London

Kimberly Brown, Director - London


2 for 1 Deadline is December 18, 2009
ENTER NOW to take advantage of special early pricing.


Questions or comments? Reach us at info@worldcanvasawards.com www.worldcanvasawards.com

To Unsubscribe, please click here.

Charlatan Ink LLC New York would like to invite artists and galleries to participate in the US$ 25''000.00 juried international 2011 Charlatan Ink Art Prize for the visual arts.

Jury members : Anthony Lister (AUS), Peter Gric (CZ/AU), Bing Dawe (NZ), Winston Smith (USA), Marlene Antico (AUS), JoAnne Berkow (USA), Ed McCormack (USA).

От кого Charlatan Ink LLC <kunst_project2011@charlatanink.com>
Кому lo-bzyk@yandex.ru

3 августа 2010 в 17:20

Charlatan Ink LLC New York would like to invite artists and galleries to participate in the US$ 25''000.00 juried international 2011 Charlatan Ink Art Prize for the visual arts.

Jury members : Anthony Lister (AUS), Peter Gric (CZ/AU), Bing Dawe (NZ), Winston Smith (USA), Marlene Antico (AUS), JoAnne Berkow (USA), Ed McCormack (USA).

Entries are open to all visual artists. Deadline 15th of February 2011. For more information please follow the link www.charlataninkartprize.com

eng.jpg Rules and regulations
spain.jpg Condiciones generales para participar
france.jpg Conditions g&#233;n&#233;rales
germany.jpg Allgemeine teilnamebedingungen
portugal.jpg Condi&#231;&#333;es generais de participa&#231;ao
italy.jpg Condizioni generali di partecipazione
poland.jpg Zasady uczestnictwa w konkursie

Charlatan Ink LLC
1133 Broadway, Suite 708
New York, NY 10010
Tel: 212-330-8214

От кого Bosphorus-Conferences <bosphorus@mailhane.net>
Кому lo-bzyk@yandex.ru

16 сентября 2011 в 01:27


D ear Sir,

Bosphorus International Events Calender is listed below. Business communities participate to our programmes. We will be happy to have you as participant in our programs.

Thank you very much for your kind attention and are sensitive.

Best regards,

Я восхищен вашей работой
Когда: 24 апр. в 23:44
Кому: lo-bzyk@yandex.ru
От кого: Nicolas SARAZIN ns@artmajeur.com


Мне нравится ваше творчество в целом. Какую-то работу я выделить не могу.

Artmajeur - французская художественная галерея, основанная в 2000 году. Мы ищем художников по всему миру. Нас просматриваем до 15000 человек каждый день.

С уважением, Nicolas Sarazin

обо мне

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